ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

I contributed to the ENISA Threat Landscape 2024.

The ETL is an annual report on the status of the cybersecurity threat landscape. It identifies the top threats, major trends observed with respect to threats, threat actors and attack techniques, as well as impact and motivation analysis. It also describes relevant mitigation measures.

Throughout the latter part of 2023 and the initial half of 2024, there was a notable escalation in cybersecurity attacks, setting new benchmarksRead more.

Using Threatview.io as example to add MISP feeds

This article demonstrates how to quickly add new MISP feeds, either to your own MISP server or as a contributor to the MISP project. I use the feeds from Threatview.io as an example. Threatview.io provides daily feeds on IPs, domains, URLs, and file hashes, as well as a C2 hunt feed.

MISP feeds are remote or local resources containing indicators that can be either imported into MISP or used for correlations without importing them intoRead more.

Presentation of MISP playbooks at the Jupyterthon

I did a presentation on the MISP playbooks at Jupyterthon. Have a look at the recording at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lqbH1m9yKo&t=7193s

Don’t hesitate to provide your feedback on the playbooks, or suggest extra additions with the GitHub issue tracker.

MISP playbook: Malware triage

I shared the MISP playbook for malware triage that I regularly use for a first assessment on new samples. It uses MISP, VirusTotal, MalwareBazaar, Hashlookupand pefile. It then uploads the samples to MWDB and alerts to Mattermost.

The MISP playbook on malware triage is one of many playbooks that address common use-cases encountered by SOCs, CSIRTs or CTI teams to detect, react and analyse specific intelligence received by MISP.

ENISA Threat Landscape 2023

I contributed to the ENISA Threat Landscape 2023.

The ETL is an annual report on the status of the cybersecurity threat landscape. It identifies the top threats, major trends observed with respect to threats, threat actors and attack techniques, as well as impact and motivation analysis. It also describes relevant mitigation measures.

In the latter part of 2022 and the first half of 2023, the cybersecurity landscape witnessed a significant increase in both the varietyRead more.

MISP to Microsoft Sentinel integration with Upload Indicators API

The MISP2Sentinel integration allows you to sync indicators from MISP to Microsoft Sentinel. The old integration relied on the Microsoft Graph API. Microsoft prefers new integrations to rely on the Upload Indicators API. The new MISP to Microsoft (previously Azure) Sentinel or misp2sentinel does just that, it

Supports integration with the old Graph API, but also It supports the new, and preferred, Upload Indicators API.

Read the installation and configuration documentation at https://github.com/cudeso/misp2sentinel forRead more.

Include threat information from MISP in Zeek network visibility

Zeek (formerly Bro) is a free and open-source software network analysis framework. It gives insights on DNS queries, HTTP and TLS information and details on transmitted files. I find Zeek one of the best network monitoring tools available to provide detailed visibility on network traffic.

Zeek has a built-in intelligence framework. This framework allows you to add information received via MISP directly into the network visibility capabilities of Zeek. This includes

Visits to URLs orRead more.

ENISA Threat Landscape 2022

I contributed to the ENISA Threat Landscape 2022. The ETL is an annual report on the status of the cybersecurity threat landscape. It identifies the top threats, major trends observed with respect to threats, threat actors and attack techniques, as well as impact and motivation analysis. It also describes relevant mitigation measures.

Get a copy of the ENISA Threat Landscape 2022.

Down the Chainsaw path to analyse Windows Event logs

Chainsaw is a tool to rapidly search through large sets of Windows Event logs. In this post I briefly go through the steps that I take to collect, process and analyse logs from different Windows machines and then use them for analysing Windows Event logs. Obviously it’s always better to use centralised logging and apply your detection techniques centrally but unfortunately this isn’t always possible.

Although Chainsaw is available as a binary packageRead more.

Analysing Amazon AWS security groups and access control lists

Analysing firewall rules in AWS can be complex. There are Security Groups (SG) as well as Access Control Lists (ACL). Security groups are applied on instances and are the first layer of defense, whereas access control lists are applied on network components (subnets) and are a second layer of defense. A major difference is that SGs are stateful, whereas ACLs are stateless. From a filtering perspective there is also a difference. In security groups allRead more.