Ubuntu numeric keypad

After the upgrade to Ubuntu 9 I was unable to use the numeric keypad on my external keyboard that’s connected to my laptop. I’ve switched every possible option in the keyboard preferences on and off and found out that you have to disable the Pointer can be controlled using the keypad option. That’s under System, Preferences, Keyboard and Mouse Keys.

Upgrading Ubuntu and no longer access to my encrypted home partition

I recently upgraded my laptop to the latest Ubuntu 8. The upgrade process was easy and quick however after the reboot I was unable to access my home-directory. I have a separate partition on which /home is mounted. This partition is encrypted with cryptsetup.

When I start the cryptdisk daemon it returns an error: /etc/init.d/cryptdisks start * Starting remaining cryptodisks… mount: special device /dev/mapper/cryptohome does not exist Enter passphrase: Checking the status with cryptdisk doesn’tRead more.

Upgrading Ubuntu and no longer access to my encrypted home partition

I recently upgraded my laptop to the latest Ubuntu 8. The upgrade process was easy and quick however after the reboot I was unable to access my home-directory. I have a separate partition on which /home is mounted. This partition is encrypted with cryptsetup.

When I start the cryptdisk daemon it returns an error: /etc/init.d/cryptdisks start * Starting remaining cryptodisks… mount: special device /dev/mapper/cryptohome does not exist Enter passphrase: Checking the status with cryptdisk doesn’tRead more.

Working with screen under linux

Screen is a nice little nix-utility that allows you to leave a command running on a remote server even if you have disconnected.

The utility has a site at http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/.

Use is easy. Start screen with screen. You can exit an existing screen by tapping CTRL-A, d. Re-attaching to a screen is done with screen -r id. You can retrieve a list of ids by tapping screen -ls.

Viewing DICOM images with Linux

DICOM is a format used by medical devices to exchange images. DICAM stands for Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine. Last week I had some pictures taken from my left knee. The CD with the different was delivered today. Unfortunately the installer / viewer is Microsoft Windows only.

A Google search returned “kradview” as the most promising alternative. It’s QT-based and should run fine. I’ve tried to install it both from source and fromRead more.

sftp support for quanta on ubuntu

Install the kio-plugins

sudo apt-get install kdebase-kio-plugins

Ubuntu or Debian Installed packages

Get a list of all the installed packages / applications in Ubunto or Debian Linux with

dpkg –get-selections

You can get the contents of one package with

dpkg -L php5-gd

Russell Coker : redirecting output from a running process

Occasionnly you have a process that’s been running for a while and you decide that it’s time to log out. Of course, you’ve forgotten to use screen so when you log out, the process dies. The post by Rusell Coker shows that it is still possible to redirect the output of a running process. The process for doing so involves looking up the file handles used by the process (in /proc//fd) and then run gdb.Read more.

Enabling the dag wiers repository on centos

Dag Wiers provides an excellent repository for Red Hat flavored Linux systems. Adding them to CentOS 5 is easy.

First download the “rpmforge-release”-rpm. For CentOS 5, I choosed rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm. The rpm’s are available at http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/. Then install the rpm.

cd /tmp wget http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

Differences of tcpdump linux / openbsd

One of the nicer options of tcpdump under Linux is the -C (that is a capital C). This allows you to write the captured traffic to a file and have the file rotated at a given size. According to the man-pages :

-C Before writing a raw packet to a savefile, check whether the file is currently larger than file_size and, if so, close the current savefile and open a new one. Savefiles after theRead more.