FOSDEM, the free and open source developers’european meeting is taking place in Brussels on 23/24 February.

Their schedule is online and shows that there are going to be some interesting talks :

The virtualization track with talks on Xen. Application virtualization with next-generation Klik Unicoding With PHP 6 OWASP WebScarab-NG

No icons in on Ubuntu

If OpenOffice doesn’t show any icons in the toolbars then you might want to re-install the packages


Adjust X11 resolution on the fly

Modern X11 drivers support resolution changing on the fly (as in, you don’t need to restart your X11 server). You can check if your driver supports this when you see this

(==) RandR enabled (II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR

Changing the resolution is very easy:

xrandr –size 1024×768

Entering xrandr without any options shows all the available resolutions.

start Ubuntu in text mode only

A short command on how to change Ubuntu so that it will only start in text mode, no X11 (graphical) mode. The following removes the graphical greeter from the runlevels :

sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove

Write a disk full with files with random or zero data

I wanted to test a hard-drive that halted when its internal temperature raised above its safety level. hdparm is one option but the script below creates different files with a certain given size.

#!/bin/bash COUNTER=0 while [ true ]; do dd if=/dev/zero of=file$COUNTER bs=$1 count=1024 let COUNTER=COUNTER+1 done

You can replace /dev/zero with /dev/random if you want random data. Call the script with one argument, the file size.

Set the default height and width of a gnome-terminal

Launch it with gnome-terminal –geometry 135×30 (edit the menu or create a new launcher).

Adjust the launchsettings in ~/.xbindkeysrc

“gnome-terminal –geometry 135×30”   m:0x10 + c:116

Afzonderlijke mythfrontend en mythbackend werkt eindelijk

Na een aantal dagen geknoei heb ik eindelijk mythfrontend aan de praat gekregen met mythbackend draaiend op een andere server. Ik dacht eerst dat de foutboodschappen

RingBuf(/mnt/store//1003_20060407233319.mpg): Invalid file (fd 15) when opening ‘/mnt/store//1003_20060407233319.mpg’. 12 retries remaining.

te wijten waren aan de CVS-versie van mythtv. Uiteindelijk bleek het echter gewoon de versie van ivtv te zijn. Ik werk met Gentoo Linux dus in plaats van de van source gecompileerde versie van ivtv (0.4.4) eenRead more.